
學生請假注意事項Leave of Absence Notice

  1. 學生遇事無法出席上課, 務必填寫「請假單」, 並經任課老師簽名後繳交至辦公室存查, 請假時數亦列入缺課時數。學生上課遲到超過二十分鐘視同缺課, 需填寫請假單。

Students who cannot come to class should fill out the “Application for Class Leave” form, and give it back to the office with the signature of his/her class instructor. Every class missed will be counted into absence hours whether asking for leave in advance or not.

  1. 學生請假應檢附證明文件及請假單(請假單請至華語文中心索取或至網頁下載)。

Students who apply for leave of absence should submit the documents and the application form (can be downloaded from the website of “Chinese Language & Culture Center” or get from Chinese Language & Culture Center Office).

  1. 因不可抗拒之重大事故,得補請假。

Owing to the unavoidable and significant events, the applications can be applied afterward.

  1. 本請假單僅為中心存檔用,缺席時數仍會記錄於在學證明上;因缺課問題而導致無法辦理居留證或延長簽證,學生須自行負責。

The excuse slip is only for internal records of Center of Chinese Language and Culture. All absence hours will still show on registration record. The students should take full responsibility if their absence causes any trouble with visa extension or ARC application.

  1. 請假核准後,學生應於上課前知會該課程之任課教師,若因病假無法上課前知會任課教師,可於事後通知。

Students have to get the approval and notify the instructors before attending class. Due to leave of sickness, students can notify the instructors afterwards.

  1. 國際學生(含僑生、外籍生、交換生等)請假,應先經國際事務處核備。

International Students (including overseas Chinese students, foreign students, exchange students, etc.) have to inform Office of International Affairs about the leave of absence.

  1. 請假種類及條件Leave types and conditions::


Leave of sickness: Submit the certificate of sickness when the absence is more than four days.


Leave of affairs: Submit certificates of parents or guardians or other certificates when the absence is more than four days.


Leave of official affairs:Approval or signature of school administration or the activity manager


Leave of funeral: A certificate of death is necessary.


Leave of maternity: A certificate of maternity is necessary. Paternity leave is acceptable when the photocopy of ID card or other documents that can prove the relationship are attached.

  1. 學生缺課(含請假)總時數不得超過整學期上課時數的25%。(12週課程總授課時數為180小時, 缺課(含請假) 最高不得超過45小時), 領有獎學金之學生亦同。

Students cannot miss more than 25% of total class hours in a term (45 hours for 11-week course with 180 hours). The rule also applies to scholarship students.

  1. 缺課時數超過規定者, 本中心得視實際情況取消其學生資格,亦不接受該生下期之入學申請,缺課時數超過規定者, 不發予結業證書。

Students who do not meet the regulated attendance hours can be deprived of his/her student status at the center, and his/her application for the following term will not be accepted. The certificate will not be issued to students who don’t meet the regulated attendance hours.

  1. 學生應自己留意簽證時效、出缺席情況, 若因缺課問題而導致無法辦理居留證或延長簽證, 或因此影響臺灣獎學金受獎權益,學生須自行負責。

Students should take full responsibility if their absence causes any trouble to their visa, ARC or scholarships.

  1. 餘請依本中心「學生請假規則」辦理。

Please read [Leave of Absence Rules] for further notices that are not mentioned here.