Summer Program 華語課程 Short Mandarin Course

2024 年 8 月 13 日 csc

弘光科技大學國際處每年8月都會邀請全世界姐妹校的學生來參與一年一度的Summer Program, 為期兩個禮拜的活動,除了有基本的華語教學,也體驗相關系上的課程及參訪台北及日月潭等知名景點。在第一天的課程,本中心就協助50多位的外國學生簡單自我介紹,跟學習基本的中文用具,讓他們可以更快融入這兩個禮拜的生活。

Every August, the International Office of Hungkuang University invites students from partner schools around the world to participate in the annual Summer Program. This two-week event not only includes basic Chinese language instruction but also offers experiences in relevant department courses and visits to famous attractions such as Taipei and Sun Moon Lake. On the first day of the program, our center assists over 50 foreign students with simple self-introductions and learning basic Chinese expressions to help them integrate more quickly into their two-week stay.