(1) 課程日期 :10月14下午 13:00 – 17: 00
(2) 地點 :弘光科技大學 – 臺中市沙鹿區臺灣大道六段1018號 (華語教室N502; 影片實作電腦室L112)
13:00 – 14:00 製作影片的應用華語 (N棟5樓N502教室)
14:15 – 17:00 拍攝、影片製作 ((L棟 數位多媒體教室L112)
(4) 學習對象:新住民/在台學華語者
(5) 報名人數:20人
(6) 報名截止日期:2023/10/10
(7) 學費:新台幣300元
【Program Info. | 活動資訊】
(1). Date : October, 14 13:00-17:00
(2). Location : Hungkuang University (No. 1018, Sec. 6, Taiwan Boulevard, Shalu District, Taichung City, Taiwan
(3). Course Content: Application of Mandarin in Video Production, Cinematography Techniques, Stabilizer Usage Instruction, Dynamic and Static Videography, Mobile Video Editing Skills, YouTube Upload Tutorial, Social Media Platform Sharing. Empower immigrants to create their own stories and produce their “personal movie version” of them.
(4). Eligibility : Immigrants/Mandarin Learners
(5). Quota: 20人
(6). Deadline : 2023/10/10
(7). Special offer : 300 NTD
(8) 洽詢方式 Contact: Ms Vita 阮小姐 04-26318652分機2601(Email: mvita38@hk.edu.tw)
【 Agenda 】
(9)【 Payment | 繳費方式 】
ATM轉帳/匯款 | ATM/Remittance Payment
元大銀行(代號:806) 沙鹿分行
帳號: 20042000022601
戶名: 財團法人弘光科技大學
Yuanta Bank (Code: 806) Shalu Branch
Account: 20042000022601
Account Name: Hungkuang University Foundation
(10).【Refunds | 退費辦法】
No refund will be given, if it is a personal reason.
If the program is cancelled by the center, tuition fee will be refunded to students.
(11).【Transportation | 交通方式 】
Address : No. 1018, Sec. 6, Taiwan Boulevard, Shalu District, Taichung City, Taiwan
Bus : Take bus 300~310, and get off at the stop-“Hungkuang University”
(12) 注意事項 Attention:
Please bring your own mobile phone or tablet for class (we recommend also bringing a charging cable and a portable charger).