德化國小- 新住民中心學華語做CPR+AED課程 Dehua Elementary School – New Immigrant Center: Chinese Language and CPR + AED Course

2024 年 4 月 18 日 csc
4/17我們與德化國小- 新住民中心合辦了學華語做CPR+AED課程,參加者有的來自印尼、比利時、越南的新住民, 也有來自菲律賓的新住民。
非常感謝德化國小- 新住民中心給予我們這個機會,使更多學生能透過華語學習到更多知識。同時也感謝德化國小- 新住民中心老師以及新住民姐妹們的熱情參與,使我們舉辦的課程能夠順利完成!

On April 17th, we co-hosted a “Learning Chinese &  CPR + AED” course with the Dehua Elementary School – New Immigrant Center. The participants included new immigrants from Indonesia, Belgium, Vietnam, and the Philippines.

We are very grateful to the Dehua Elementary School – New Immigrant Center for giving us this opportunity, allowing more students to gain knowledge through learning Chinese. We also extend our thanks to the teachers at the Dehua Elementary School – New Immigrant Center and the enthusiastic participation of the new immigrant sisters, which contributed to the successful completion of our course!